We have had great success with businesses over a wide degree of consultant services. We want to help you and your business become more profitable and efficient. Your message, your image, your efficiency, your cost savings and your profit is what we work toward. We will work everyday to make sure you achieve the success you need. The areas of our expertise to help your business are listed here:
Public Relations
We can provide services for specific projects or provide the entire public relations function for your business. We can create your image, manage your message to create the most positive outcome. We can provide outreach services to the public, your customers, your prospects and other businesses. We use all manner of media to accomplish this for you including polling.
Sales & Marketing
Our team of sales and marketing experts can help increase your sales and make your marketing more effective.
NP Consultants has had great success in evaluating businesses to find cost reductions and efficiencies and increase cash flow. We find where you can be more profitable. This tied in with our sales and marketing expertise can accelerate your net profit and cash flow.
Financial Services
We can help you by evaluating your existing loans, leases to re-structure or refinance for your benefit. We can also help to analyze your bank relationship and covenants.
NP Consultants (714) 389-4095
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